Some predictions on the options to observe young lunar crescents from Medina im 2009, using the established contrast-enhancing techniques and assuming good conditions.
27. March | Moon rises at 7.6° elongation, 11 hours after conjunction. 10° elongation at noon, 12.4° elongation at sunset, should be simple |
25. April | Moon rises at 4.3° elongation, shortly before local conjunction, 5.9° elongation at noon, 7.6° elongation at sunset, interesting challenge |
24. May | Moon rises at 6° elongation, aldebaran nearby for focussing, occults plejades before noon, moon at 4.3° elongation at local conjunction, sets two hours later at even smaller distance, interesting for tests, but probably impossible to see after sunset. Very easy on the 25th |
23. June | Moon rises some hours after conjunction, at 5.5° elongation, 8.5° elongation at noon, 11.4° elongation at sunset, should be possible |
22. July | Moon rises at 1.2° elongation, 4.2° elongation at noon, 7.4° elongation at sunset, low angle, interesting challenge |
20. August | conjunction at 2.9° elongation, moon sets at 4.4° elongation, shortly BEFORE the sun. simple on 21th |
19. September | Moon rises at 7.5° elongation, some hours after conjunction, 9.8° elongation at noon, 12.1° elongation at sunset but very low, interesting. Simple on 20th |
18. October | Moon rises at conjunction at 5° elongation, 6° elongation at noon, sets at 7° elongation BEFORE the sun. Simple on 19th. |
17. November | Moon rises at 6.9° elongation, after conjunction, 8.2° elongation at noon, moon sets at 9.8° but at low angle. simple during the day, difficult in the evening |
17. Dezember | Moon rises at 8.9° elongation, hours after conjunction, 10.2° elongation at noon, 11.7° elongation at sunset, angle is ok, should be possible. |