Some predictions on the options to observe the lunar crescent around conjunction on 22. June 2009 from Jeddah, using the established contrast-enhancing techniques and assuming good conditions.
All times are UT.
22. June | 01:45 | Moon rises at 10° elongation, azimuth 61°, 45 minutes before sunrise, Sun at -10° altitude: Should be possible to observe through traditional observation |
22. June | 02:30 | Sun rises, Moon is at 9.6° elongation: Daytime observation can begin, with ever decreasing distance untill sunset |
22. June | 16:09 | Moon sets, shortly before the sun, at 3.7° elongation |
22. June | 19:35 | Geocentric conjunction at 1.85° elongation: invisible as both bodies have set |
23. June | 02:50 | Moon rises, some 20 minutes after the sun, at 5.5° elongation: Daytime observation can begin, at ever increasing distances untill sunset |
23. June | 16:16 | Sun sets, moon at 11.4° elongation, azimut 292°: Traditional observation should be possible before moonset |
23. June | 17:09 | Moon sets, at 11.9° elongation, Sun at -11° altitude |
Mercury is 20° west of the sun at -0.3mag |
Venus is 45° west at -4.2mag |
Castor is 22° east of the sun at 1.2mag |