Successfull sighting of the crescent

Lunar crescent at the start of Ramadan 2008

Version 13.08.2008, ME

Geocentric new moon will be on the evening of 30. August at 21:58 (UT+2).

Old lunar crescent on 30. August

The thin crescent of the very old moon can possibly be observed in the morning of 30. August, at 7.6° elongation. Quite challenging.

Towards noon, the elongation will have dropped to 4.9°, which should still be possible with the realtime video approach. It will further decrease towards the evening, which might be a good opportunity to test the limits.

Young lunar crescent on 31. August

The young lunar crescent will be at 8.8° elongation at noon of 31. August, which should be simple for the realtime video approach, weather permitting.

The elongation will further increase towards the evening, with 11.8° at sunset, which might even allow visual-daytime-observation through a telescope. The moon will set 1 minute after the sun.

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