Tests with the ASI174MM of ZW Optical

Some tests with the ASI174MM.

Comparison with a Lumenera Lt225

Comparison with a Lumenera Lt225.

Simple flats, taken as stack of 100 images

LT225 flat
Contrast stretched center of a flat-field of the Lt225. The vertical and horizontal lines are clearly visible. Variation from 3.2 to 3.45 .

ASI174 flat
Contrast stretched center of a flat-field of the ASI174. Some horizontal pattern is visible. The cloudiness of the field is due to a not-so-uniform illumination. Variation from 12.5 to 12.9 , seems significantly smaller.

Changes in the flats with differing exposure times

LT225 corrected flat
Two flats were captured, one with 7ms, the other with 25ms. Then one flat was divided by the other. This should have removed all the stripes, but some remain, though of reduced amplitude. This is a real problem as it complicates the image processing to get a clean image.

ASI174 corrected flat
Two flats were captured, one with 7ms, the other with 25ms. Then one flat was divided by the other. All the stripes are gone, THIS IS AVERY GOOD SIGN! The remaining cloudiness is due to non-uniform illumination.

More tests to follow with a better diffusor and a real target.